WYO Miss Bluelight is exposed to cattle on the farm. Blue is 5 panel NEG , 15 HH, 9 yrs. I have not used Blue to rope cattle but bought her from a man in Oklahoma who stated he used her in feedlots and on the farm roping and working cattle. I did see videos of her working while he was riding her. I just don’t have them saved to my computer. Blue has 1 back hoof that has a scar that I was shown and aware of from pictures. I realized upon her arrival at my farm her hoof was M/L imbalance, long toe and under run heel causing her to kick the inside of her opposite back leg. The opposite leg has a scar from this but was not as bad. All 4 hooves were unbalanced. Her hooves have corrected nicely. She is currently barefoot because I try to have her trimmed every 4 weeks. She is also a great broodmare and very easy to handle with her foals from the time of birth. Blue loads on the trailer fine The video I have was the first time I rode her after 1 yr off work. I wasn’t going to use it because I had been working on the farm and was dirty but I decided to show how easy going she is. She did very well for 1 year off work and a silly filly running around her. The second time I have ridden her was just outside her pasture by herself and rode her in the pasture around the cows. She was ready to go but I didn’t do too much with them since my new bull had never been around horses before and her filly was running around the field hollering for her. She mostly worked off her front end when I got her but is starting to use her hind end more. I have done a lot with her from the ground to get her to engage her hindquarters. She is an awesome mare but some life changes have happened and I don’t want them to sit around the farm when someone else could enjoy them. I do give them treats when I go out and check them daily so they will meet me at the gate in the evenings. She will come to the fence and nicker if she sees you. She will make a nice working cow horse. Sassy the filly is still nursing some and will be weaned if they sell separately. So if Blue is sold separately she will be getting used to her foal no longer nursing and her milk bag may swell up full of milk for a few days. The filly will be right at 6 months old and will be weaned if not sold with her dam. I personally like to wean around 6-7 months old. You’re welcome to call and ask any questions or request videos or pictures before you bid. I can get pics and videos of anything you would like to see about them.

Cindy McKinney
Marion, NC
Blue Roan
15 HH